Last-Minute Gifts for the Knitter

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I know, I know, I’ve already written a blog about gifts for a knitter.  But let’s say that you know someone who knits and forgot about them for Christmas gift-giving, and let’s say you’re feeling terribly guilty for forgetting about them. Last-minute gifts are always a good thing! (They also relieve you of gift-giving forgetfulness guilt!)

The Knitting Guild Association

The cool thing about TKGA is that it has hundreds of resources for knitters.  Whether you want to learn more about a specific technique, read about other knitters, register your own guild, or even undertake their “Master Knitter” certification process, TKGA has the information you’re looking for.  The membership isn’t expensive, but it does open up a world of resources available to any level of knitting skills your knitter may possess.

Consider a membership to The Knitting Guild Association for your knitter friend/loved one.  The Knitting Guild Association is a non-profit group designed to help knitters learn more about the craft of knitting and knit design.  It’s inexpensive: only $25 purchases a membership. TKGA makes it easy to purchase a gift membership on their web site:  Click on the ‘membership’ button and you’ll find a link to do just that.

Amish Baskets

Recently my DH and I visited a cute little Amish country store in Lamoni, Iowa. I found beautiful woven baskets done by three different Amish families.  Each basket was signed by the weaver/designer.  One basket was woven by a six-year-old boy named Ezra!  These baskets were beautifully made in dozens of different designs and sizes.  Consider purchasing a medium or large Amish basket for your knitter, either at a local store in your area if you can find one or online.  (Yes, I know Amish folks don’t have computers, but many of the stores which sell their wares do!) No knitter worth his/her salt will turn down a beautiful Amish basket!

Of course, a gift certificate to their LYS (Local Yarn Shop) is always a good idea for a last-minute gift.  You may have to do a little research to find out about their favorite LYS, but it’s always a good idea to reach out to someone you love to get good gift-giving information.  Don’t assume you know which shop they prefer.  In areas that have several shops, it’s bes tto find out which one your knitter prefers. I’ve been in lots of LYS, and I can tell you that there are shops that I probably wouldn’t patronize again for one reason or another.  Perhaps your knitter feels the same way about a shop.  So find out what he/she likes before spending money on a gift certificate.


If you don’t have time or inclination to visit local yarn shops, you can always fall back on the standard:  Amazon.  You’ll find it’s very easy to purchase and send an Amazon gift card to your favorite knitter person. 

There’s an App

ITunes and Google Play stores also have apps for knitters. (I don’t have one on my phone right now; it’s way too full of other  stuff and it’s an older phone.)  A gift card from one or the other for your favorite knitter is a good way for him/her to figure out a knitting app that they might like and use in their knitting creativity.

(Next time, I’m posting a quick-knit pattern for you awesome knitters out there.) 

Happy Knitting!


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