I love pretty things. Most knitters (and crocheters) do, or they wouldn’t be yarn crafters. But we yarn folks haven’t always been able to find functional AND pretty tools.
What kind of tools am I talking about? Oh, things like row counters and stitch markers, small scissors and cable needles, and sock rulers and gadgets ‘n gizmos a’plenty. I’m also talking about things that we might not even know that we need, like increase and decrease markers, knit-side and purl-side markers, storage tins, project bags, and a variety of stitch markers that we might not even realize are available to us.
Let me ask you this: as a yarn aficionado, would you rather have ugly functional tools or pretty and functional tools? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Me too!
Have I got news for YOU!
My friend Dawn is the owner of a cute little online shop called Twice Sheared Sheep, located at twiceshearedsheep.com. With her permission, I’m going to tell you about some of the cutest and most functional knitting/crocheting tools that I’ve ever seen.
Storage Tins
Dawn designs such cute little storage tins for stitch markers, cable needles, and anything small that can get hopelessly lost in a knitting bag. Take a look at these storage tins:
Whether whimsical or beautiful, these storage tins—which come in two sizes—hold many items that a yarn crafter needs in the course of a project.

Stitch Markers
We can mark pattern repeats and changes of stitches easily with anything round. But why do that when we can use something as freakin’ cute as these?

Row Counters
With these exceptionally beautiful row counters, there is no need to stop to click a counter or write down your rows on paper.

Whether you need a long row counter or a short one, whether you want to mark your work wrong side or right side, Twice Sheared Sheep can meet whatever needs you may have. I use these row counters in my knitting and have discovered that they are much more reliable than the click-type counters.
Odds & Ends
I’ve found cool gadgets that I didn’t even know I needed on Twice Sheared Sheep’s website. From sock rulers to repair hooks, from elegant tiny scissors to cable lock devices that keep your knitting on the needles when you have to put them away, from the best cable needles I’ve ever used to the cutest needle gauges I’ve seen, these remarkable tools make knitting and crocheting more of a pleasure than ever before.

Take some time to browse the website for yourself and you will definitely see what I’m talking about. Go here: twiceshearedsheep.com and discover some sweet little things for yourself. You’ll be glad you did!
Happy knitting!