I love to browse the internet looking for patterns and doodads and all stuff related to knitting.
(An idea for another time.) In one of my recent searches for “knitting socks on two circulars,” I
stumbled upon a website for Cat Bordhi, a pioneer in knitting design and author of many knitting
books, including one that I have that teaches knitting socks on two circular needles.
As I perused this website, I learned that—sadly—Cat had passed away two years ago from
cancer. Her legacy lives on, however, in the people she taught and befriended. I saw that her
friends who loved her continued to update her website with her designs and ideas and love for
One of the tabs on the page was titled “Silent Knitting.” I had no idea what that meant, so I
checked it out. You can, too, right here: https://catbordhi.com/silent-knitting/
Tonight, I joined the group for silent knitting for the first time. The concept is simple: the group
meets via Zoom for two hours. In the first hour, the moderator rings a bell and silences everyone’s
microphones. And we knit, silently, for one hour. At the beginning of the second hour, the
moderator rings a bell and we take turns sharing what we’re working on, and some shared other
projects as well. The moderator selects who will speak and activates their microphone so all of
us can see and hear the project.
I’ve been looking for knitting buddies for a long time. My local yarn shops (LYS) recently
closed. Both of them! (I am bereft of yarn that I can run my fingers through, except for my own
stash.) I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to open a shop in my area, but age and finances just don’t
permit it.
Tonight, I found my knitting buddies.
Happy New Year and happy knitting!
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